All content on is the sole property of, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. is a business and generates money in many different ways, including, but not limited to Pay-Per-Click Advertising, Banner Ads and Affiliate Sales.
Privacy Policy:
It’s pretty straightforward. We will not sell, lease, or give your information to any other person, business, or entity. We will contact you sparingly and you have complete control over receiving any communications from us.
This site is designed to help triathletes, runners, cyclists, and swimmers make educated decisions on what gear to purchase. We strive to be fair and unbiased in our reviews. We do not allow advertisers or sponsors to dictate the outcome of our reviews. Some of the reviews we publish are based on merchandise provided to us by companies while some is purchased for our personal use. Some gear is provided only to test and is returned to the manufacturer, while some is kept by In each post we will note if the product was provided by the manufacturer. You have our guarantee that we will not allow this to influence our decisions in the review process, but we want you to have this information.
From time to time we publish information about new products and services that we deem helpful to our readers. These are not reviews and are published without input or encouragement from the manufacturer. This information will appear in the News section, not in the Gear Reviews section.
Our site advertisers occasionally submit products for our review. We will disclose any advertising relationship in the first paragraph of a review. This only applies to advertisers that purchase advertising directly from us. We cannot extend this to advertisers who purchase advertising from Google AdWords or other third party advertising companies.
Advertising on this site:
We use a combination of advertising streams on this site, including but not limited to: pay-per-click advertising, affiliate sales, and banner sales. Most PPC advertising is handled by third-party ad companies such as Google and we have little control over those ads. If an ad is inappropriate, please contact us and we’ll do our best to prevent that ad from showing up again. However, we have no control over the ads from these third-parties.
Any product links you see on this site are probably commission based affiliate links. These links allow manufacturers to track the origin of a customer and pay a commission to the referrer. If you click on a link on this site and are sent to a third party site, for example, we will receive a commission if you purchase a product from This is one of the best ways to support this site. It doesn’t cost you any more to purchase the product through this link and it provides a bit of income for the site.
Banner advertising is managed by This is a direct advertising method; we approve and manage any banner ads by dealing directly with advertisers. These are the advertisers that will be disclosed if we review any of their products. We have complete control over these ads and encourage you to contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding any ad content.
We accept any products that might be useful to our readers. Please contact us prior to sending any product.
Once we agree to receive your product and provide a review, we will not provide an advance copy of the review, nor will we allow any additional input into our review process. Once we agree to publish a review, we will not retract or bury a review. If we are unsatisfied with the product or service, our review will reflect it. We will not honor requests to not publish reviews.
Before we accept your product, we will provide an estimated review publication date. Upon receipt of your product, we will confirm a publication date for the review.
Advertisers are welcome to submit products or services for our reviews. Please understand that the same rules and guidance for manufactures applies to any advertisers. We will not honor requests not to publish reviews, bury reviews, or allow our advertising relationship to influence our review.
All advertising on is clearly labeled. If you advertise on our site and submit a product for review, we will note the existing advertising relationship in the first paragraph of the product review. This clause is only applicable to direct advertising and not to advertisers using only third-party advertising services such as Google AdWords.