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Native Eyewear Customer Service

This isn’t a review, just a quick observation.

I bought my first pair of Natives about 5 years ago from a local store.  I picked them up as a celebration of getting contacts and finally being able to wear sunglasses.  I paid a bit more for them than I wanted to, but they looked great and came highly recommended.  If you care, I picked up the Native Dash XPs.

Fast forward 5 years to last month.  I dropped the glasses on my carpeted office floor and they cracked.  Split in two.  Unreal.  The glasses must have been damaged sometime in the last few years because this fall was very soft.  I went to the Native site and filed the paperwork for a warranty repair.  They mentioned that I might be charged $30 depending on the damage.  I didn’t have a receipt or any other proof of purchase.  The glasses are 5 years old.  I don’t have very high expectations for how this is going to end.

I dropped the glasses in the mail on Monday and picked up a pair of cheap glasses to hold me over.  I expected to get a note from Native in a few weeks saying they can’t repair the glasses and I’m out of luck.  How surprised was I when I received an email on Wednesday letting me know that my Natives were done and in the mail.

I received my new, not repaired, pair of Natives on Friday.  Unbelievable.  I can’t begin to explain my shock that they not only sent me a new pair of glasses, but turned the whole thing around so quickly.

I was always happy with my Natives, but this seals the deal.

You just don’t see this level of customer service and integrity anymore.  If you’re ever looking for a new pair of sunglasses or goggles, give Native a try.  I’m confident you won’t be disappointed.

About Eric H. Doss

Eric is a triathlete and writer. He has competed in all distances of triathlons, from sprints to full Ironman distance races. He founded FitEgg.com in 2009 to meet the increasing need for professional, unbiased reviews of triathlon gear.

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